RA Magazine: pick of this week's ... – Sam Philips

Sam Philips, RA Magazine, January 18, 2013

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Nick Hornby & Sinta Tantra
1 Canada Square, until 15 March 2013

Sinta Tantra, who graduated from the RA Schools in 2006, is acclaimed for kaleidoscopic works in cut vinyl and paint that cover the walls both inside and outside of buildings. Her latest exhibition in the lobby of Canary Wharf tower – nearby where she recently painted geometric designs across both sides of 150 metre-long bridge – is a collaboration with sculptor Nick Hornby, an artist who brings together forms from architecture and art history to create strange, semi-figurative, monochrome shapes that stand on the floor like intruders from another planet.


Here these beings are coloured by Tantra’s patterns, her lines – also influenced by those of architecture – bringing further complexity to their bodies. The pair also join forces for an intervention in the lobby’s existing decorative scheme; a trompe-l’oeil vinyl work convinces office workers that the pink marble wall they have seen every day is now indented.